HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! I guess...
It's true...I almost forgot about the birth of my nation, but it's easy here. Anna and I were discussing getting a burger or a falafel to celebrate, so we'll see. The weekend was nuts! But I can't wait to tell you all about it. I am not used to going out so much, so I will have to stay in for a few days and study hard. Also, taking a taxi can add up, will no one show me how to use the bus here? I just need a good teacher! Anyway I've taking the liberty of adding photos to help you visualize, and I hope you enjoy them, because the more photo's you add the more difficult it becomes to put them all in order. Luckily, it is all worth it because I am up to FOUR followers and who knows how many rogue followers there are :). So here it is!
Thursday Afternoon: A trip to the Old City
This was supposed to be an oppertunity for Lauren to see the Holy Sepulchre, but she had a bathroom overflow in her apt., so I took Anna and Anna instead. I was very excited because for Anna (my room mate), this was to be her first venture into the city! We had an interesting time getting there in a taxi. Anna from class and I have been trying to practice Hebrew with whoever will speak it with us, so this was no exception with this driver. However, he did fall asleep at a light! Then, when I was paying, he told me how beautiful I was (in Hebrew of course). I told him thank you, but I should have told him to go home to take a nap!
Our First stop in the City was the Damascus Gate. This is really the most exciting gate in the City because it flows straight into the Arab Quarter. No tourists here! Just real people trying to get their shopping done. If you are ever in Israel, enter the gate and go down the steps, where the road forks, there is a falafel stand. 7 SHEKS ($1.75) for the BEST FALAFEL in Jerusalem, just ask anyone, or any guidebook. I mean you have not tasted falafel until you have had this. Really, I ate mine and everything that Anna couldn't fit into her stomach. My mouth in watering just thinking about it. Really, come visit me and I will take you there.
Our next stop was the Western Wall (Ha Chotel). It was beautiful as usual, and I thought it was very fitting that there was a Dove wondering around. We did not stop to pray, but it was neat to be with Anna as she saw it for the first time. Soon after we sat and had some Lemonade in the Jewish Quarter while we waited for Rabbi Moses shop to open. This is a great place to go if you have a question about Judaism or need something Jewish related (That is good quality).
Next was to the Sepulcre itself. If you press on the photo you will get a better look at it. This was my first chance to wonder around for myself, and I am so glad that I did. Due to the constant fighting of the Orthodox denominations, much of it is in disrepair, but it is truely breathtaking...like enough that I was almost in tears. It is such a wonderful place to remember the sacrifice that our Savior made for us, where you believe it happened exactly here or not.
Ok, so this photo could be illegal... It's the inside of the tomb of Jesus in the Sepulcre. Anna and I waited in line, and as soon as the monk turned his back I got the shot, and then nelt (nelt?) to pray. Anyway the tomb is very small and only five people can shove in at a time. I guess this is where they were supposed to have layed the body out. Beats me how they figure that the tomb of Jesus would be just sitting there waiting for them to build a Chruch around it...but that's just me. Anyway, we really enjoyed our time there, and I am planning on going back with Lauren in toe soon. Afterward, we got the falafel, and then we went to Shabans and got some Turkish coffee and practiced our Hebrew some. Shabans brother offered to bring us some cookies on monday, So hopefully we can go back and try them. Oh and then on our way out of the city, I totally saw George, the old cook from JUC. Never thought I would hug an Arab man in public, but there you go. I was so confused when I saw my named being called from behind me, but I was happy to see him. I can't believe he remembered me. Anyway, he owns a chocolate shop in the Old City now, along with a health/vitamins shop.... strange right? Oh right around this time I recieved the best pick up line EVER:
Boy (Points behind me...): You dropped something.
Me (Idiot, looks): I did?
Boy: Yes, My Heart. (Holds his chest).

While we were in the Arab Quarter I picked up some Hibiscus tea in the market. This stuff is...amazing. You have to put sugar in it or else it is too bitter, but it kind of tastes like... hot apple cider... hot punch.... hot wine... I am not sure how to discribe it other then... I am sending some to the states for you to try because you will be crazy for it. I made some for the girls and they loved it. It tasted even better because I haggled down for it.
Boy: Yes, My Heart. (Holds his chest).
While we were in the Arab Quarter I picked up some Hibiscus tea in the market. This stuff is...amazing. You have to put sugar in it or else it is too bitter, but it kind of tastes like... hot apple cider... hot punch.... hot wine... I am not sure how to discribe it other then... I am sending some to the states for you to try because you will be crazy for it. I made some for the girls and they loved it. It tasted even better because I haggled down for it.
Friday, The Shook (Market)
Gosh, I have been working on this forever and my back is burning, but I must continue. I promised mom I would post pictures of the huge open air market in Jerusalem on the top of Ben Juhuda Street. This is the real Israel! Food...clothing...Jewelry....cleaning supplies...everything...and cheap cheap cheap. Also a good place to practice your Hebrew Numbers. It was a successful day, I got goat yogurt, lychees http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychee, rose bud tea, a roll chart, cheap pots and pans...etc. Gosh it took a lot out of me. Anna from class was running all over getting things to make Shabbat dinner for us.
Fish just out in the open...not even behind glass...mmmm.
Bags of dried goods, with fruit in the background....mmmm.....
I also got some lovely roses for $2.50. Here they are sitting on our table.
Here is a picture of the finds of the day.
That day I made beans in our new pot. I was so proud of myself. Plus, I have dinner for the week now!
And lastly, Anna, Anna, and Sarah, and I had Shabbat dinner together. I brought beans and Hulah bread. Sarah made Israeli salad, and Anna made Borscht (she's from Russia).
Saturday was lovely. I woke and went to Bible study and Church and saw some Old Friends, namely Seth Haigh from JUC! Then I caught a taxi home where I cleaned and did laundry. I perfect rest from School work.
ALRIGHT. ENOUGH. I have been sitting here for hours and I want to go home to my apt.
Love you all,
Claire in Israel
My Dearest Claire,
ReplyDeleteI loved this whole blog. Maybe I should start a mom blog...in responce to your blog. I miss you, in a very odd way...I have such peace about where you are, it is hard to explain. Thank you for these updates. They are a huge blessing to my day. BTW, I love seeing both sets of parents in the "finds of the day" pic. That made me smile. Talk to you soon. Try my on your IPod touch, the Skype would great. forever~Imma
Aw! I made it on to your blog! How exciting. I'm debating whether or not to start one after all. I was supposed to from the beginning but now we're halfway in already. Oh well... Looking forward to exploring with you on Thursday at Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other Christian sites if we can. Did you sign up for any of the tours for the Ulpan program? I'm doing Yad Vashem, Ein Kerem, Old City (again), and Masada & Dead Sea. -Lauren
ReplyDeleteI am a rogue follower, so you at least have five followers!
ReplyDeleteYou are getting hit on a lot over there. My favorite will always be, "You have a beautiful wife," followed by my stammering.
Thanks for the update.