Hello Everyone! You will be happy to know that I have finally become registered on my school's internet system, so now I can post and respond much more quickly! I am very excited to get to hear from friends and family more often.
Life thus far is going fine. However, things are different here than I thought they would be. I do not think that I am in culture shock, but I am in College shock. I thought it would be easy to be around people who live a different lifestyle then me, but more often then not I find myself with a puzzled look on my face, i.e. You do what? You go where? etc. I'm not at PBU anymore, which is alright, but I did not anticipate the shift being so difficult. I also did not anticipate to be homesick as much as I am. I suppose it is because this is a rather permanent arangement and I have no way of knowing when I will be home next. I feel so blessed to be here but I also miss being with y'all in the States. I mean I've only cried a little, but I didn't think I would cry at all.
I would like to explain a little about what I am doing at school so early this year. Right now I am attending what is called an Ulpan (meaning studio). This is a Hebrew class for adults. I am currently finishing level 1 or level alef, and then later in the summer will start level bet (2). (How exciting!) Before I graudate with my masters I need to have completed level vav (6) which is basicly fulency. So hopely by the time I finish in two years I will sould like an Israeli! I already find myself replacing english words with Hebrew ones, which means I am starting to think in the right way! Wouldn't it be nice if I could go a whole day without speaking english? I think so! So far, my Hebrew is getting better everyday. I am trying to be a good student so that I can level through the program as quickly as possible!
This weekend was a needed blessings. I meet up with Robynne, a woman I know from my internship with Chosen People Ministries in NYC, and she and I and Anna K. took a taxi to Canasiya (Church). This of course was on Saturday morning. We ended up at a Church called the Baptist House in the New City, and I felt so welcome there. It was nice to have Christian fellowship and also to worship the Lord together. I am looking forward to becoming more involved there once I purchase a bus pass for the year. When you are away from home it is good to find family :). Anna also had a great time at Church because some of the attendees she had as professors when she was in Israel last summer. My new friends John and Justin were also in attendence.
Tonight my room mate Anna and I are going on the mall trip to try and purchase so more homegoods. We desperately need pots and pans and such so we can start cooking real meals. Thus far its been soup and sandwhiches, which is fine but not ideal. I would love some eggs right now.... Gosh I suppose Iam going to have to learn to cook. It is really expensive to set up house, but I am happy that my room mate wants to go in on things with me. I hope the trip tonight is expensive.
OH GOODY! My new friend Ryan just gave my an adapter for my computer in my room! I am so excited, now I do not have to buy one!
Well I am thinking about getting some coffee...so until then!
Claire in Israel
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